Swiss  Croquet

The essential information on croquet       


The Original Rules of Billiard Croquet   


This exciting Swiss version of croquet, the Swiss game, was invented and designed to combine  fun, excitement, technique and fast pace.


It is a successful mixture that provides maximum entertainment whilst eliminating possible dreadful waiting times while players wait for their turn of play.


It is has perfectly and exceptionally well combined technique and style that brings players an effortless and natural skill development in croquet.


It is constantly arousing curiosity and encouraging learning croquet in a fun way. It guarantees excitement and flow of adrenaline till the last shot is played. 


Billiard Croquet is played using only three hoops, the billiard ball (the white ball) and four coloured balls, one for each player or two balls for a two player game.


The Aim is to be the first player to push your ball through the three hoops in the correct order using the mandatory sequence of the three shots needed in one play of turn to pass a hoop and after passing the third hoop strike the last ball that you last roqueted to win the game!


The Field has no boundaries and the distance between hoops should be a minimum of six metres apart, forming a triangle of twelve metres long and minimum six metres in perpendicular.


The billiard croquet field can be set out on any grass surface or slope inclination.


The Billiard Ball is the white ball and is placed at the start of the game on the intersection point of the line between hoop one and three, and the perpendicular line to hoop two.


The Points System is simple and very clear. The player or team that push one of their balls through the three hoops in the correct order using the mandatory sequence of the three shots needed in one play of turn to pass a hoop and finally strike the last ball that they last roqueted win the game. Three games are required to win the match of billiard croquet.      


The Start of the billiard croquet game is a point three metres to the left of hoops number one and totally in line with hoop number three. Each ball tees off in the correct order of play and can be hit in any direction.


The Extra Shots are earned by the player in turn of play in hitting the billiard ball (the billiard shot) with his ball, thus receiving an extra shot. The billiard shot can be executed at any time by the player in turn of play.


Furthermore, a player receives two extra shots by hitting an opponent's ball. A player receives one extra shot after successfully completing in one turn of play the three mandatory shots needed to pass a hoop. 


The extra shots can not be accumulated and existing extra shots forfeit as soon as new extra shots are earned.  


The Sequence of the three mandatory shots needed in one turn to pass a hoop is the challenge in billiard croquet.


The first shot is the roquet stroke, the striker's ball hits one of the opponents balls.


After the shot, the striker's ball is placed next to the ball that was just hit. The two balls must to be touching when the next shot (the croquet shot, the split shot or the direct shot) croquet stroke is played.


The third shot is the continuation stroke which is the only way a hoop can legally be passed. All other forms of passing a hoop do not count as passing a hoop. 


The Game Winning Shot is the highlight of the game. After legally pushing your ball through the last hoop, continue with your next shot by striking with your ball the last ball that you last roqueted!


If you miss, you keep trying with each turn of your play to hit it and when you finally, as the first player, do so you win the game.


Congratulations, you have just won your
billiard croquet match! 

The Common Network

Textfeld: Last updated 01.02.2023, © webmaster, No material may be reproduced without prior written consent.
















Billiard Croquet— The Swiss Version of Croquet                                                                                                            



















The Sequence of the Three Mandatory Shots Needed in One Turn to Pass a Hoop

The Field

The Billiard Shot

The Game Winning Shot

The Common Threat
. My doubt is my friend
. My ability is to see my future failure
. My self confidence is on vacation

My opponent is not a threat, I am mine

The Common Syndrome
. Ashamed at loosing
. Excusing & justifying failure
. Ignoring insecurity
. A
voiding risk

The Common Friend
Impatience is my beloved  
  friend who likes to visit me
  very often, blessing me
  with anxiety & nervousness

The Common Winner
. My matches are always tight
. My balance of risk is my success
. My concentration is my strength
. I win because I can & I am good!

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